My journey to develop a fine art business was a lifetime one, exploring alternative paths that provided me with business experience but until ten years ago did not provide me with creative satisfaction. Although I have always drawn and painted, it wasn't until close to retirement that I finally started devoting time to my artistic soul with the many paths of abstraction. Sometimes my paintings veer off into realistic art or even impressionistic art, but mostly I’m happy with abstract expressionism. I laugh when I hear other artists say they have artist block and can’t find anything to paint or lack the inspiration. I know that I will never get to everything I want to paint. After 70 years, I’m finally communicating what I feel with passion. And it’s not a ‘selfish’ feeling because I love how my paintings bring out multiple meanings and emotions from others, making the paintings very personal to them. It’s the passion and freedom to explore and celebrate the inner life and soul itself…then to joyously share it with everyone else. It can’t get much better than that!